At any one time, we are working on fixing many different Google autocomplete problems. Here are a few case studies that are unique, for one reason or another. Each has had a successful outcome and client testimonials are listed on each page where provided.
Autocomplete Cases Fixed
Google UK/USA Autocomplete Fixed For Controversial Religious Term 6/8/13
Negative Google Suggestion And Client’s Home City Begin With Same Two Letters 7/15/13
Multiple Negative Terms In Google, Bing, and Yahoo 11/21/13
Google “Searches Related To” Fixed 1/9/14
Autocomplete Fixed For Both First Name and Nickname of Real Estate Developer 1/22/14
Bing Autocomplete Fixed in 2 Weeks! 2/28/14
Google Autocomplete Fixed For Business Coach 3/8/14
Multi-City Suggestions Fixed In Google For Real Estate Entrepreneur 3-10-14
Unwanted Google Suggestions Cleaned Up For Actor/Director 3/20/14
Minneapolis Entrepreneur Google Suggest Fixed In One Month 4-2-14
Bing Suggestions Cleared Up In Under 30 Days 4-2-14